Naturally Powered Toys

Naturally Powered Toys

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Give a child a toy and you’ll see what parents have known for generations: children don’t need to be taught to learn, they do it naturally. Thankfully there are toys available that help them stretch their knowledge by empowering them to ask questions and work towards answers.

Educational play teaches useful skills and introduces children to new concepts. The following toys have the added benefit of being powered by nature. Want to encourage the next generation of green thinkers? Here are some recommendations to get you started.

Windpower Renewable Energy Science Kit

This amazing science kit teaches children how natural power can be harnessed and applied. It’s an interesting project for children of all ages and a great parent-child activity.

The 32-page booklet gives clear, illustrated instructions which guide you to building an actual, functioning wind turbine! You can use the turbine to generate mechanical power to lift a heavy weight or generate electricity to light up an LED and charge a rechargeable battery.

First, assemble a wind turbine complete with electric generator, adjustable rotors, and wind speed indicator. Then, conduct more than 20 experiments with your wind turbine, including experiments with different numbers of rotor blades, different blade angles and profiles, different wind speeds, different gear ratios, and so on.

Wind power is a clean, renewable source of energy and has become a major future energy source for the country. Activities like this kit, which couples fun with learning, help plant the seeds of innovation in creative young minds.

The Windpower Renewable Energy Science Kit is now available at Eartheasy’s online store.

Air and Water power kit

Air and Water Power Kit

A fun parent-child activity, the Air and Water Power kit allows you to build 15 models of working vehicles and machines, all powered by air and water pressure. Besides just assembling models, this kit gives children an interesting and fun context to learn about the laws of physics! This kit is best suited for ages 8 and up.

The various models employ one of two different power systems – water-jet propelled cars and hydro-pneumo powered engines.

Each kit contains 165 building pieces to construct models including a truck, excavator, radar car, tank, antique car, helicopter, motorbike, backhoe, rocket car, forklift, roadster, propeller plane, grinder, and cutting machine.

The water-jet propelled cars are a fun outdoor activity, while the self-contained hydro-pneumo powered models are fun both indoors and out. Parents will also enjoy working with their kids on the various models because there’s something to learn for people of all ages.

For more information or to buy this kit, visit our online store.

Power House Kit

Power House Kit

With this kit you can learn how to build a wind turbine that actually works! It also offers 100 different experiments which help children explore the different forms of renewable energy. A 64-page full color manual helps guide learners through the experiments. This kit is best suited for ages 10 and up.

The Power House Kit teaches young learners about the different natural sources available to make power by building their own models.

This kit provides experiments in generating power from the wind, and for heating, cooing and insulation applications.You can test solar collection methods and generate electricity from sunlight, or construct a greenhouse and learn about how plants use energy.

Made in Germany, this award-winning kit features the latest advances in renewable energy science.

Visit our online store for more information or to buy this kit.



Kites are a fun, safe, low impact outdoor activity. There’s also learning which accompanies the fun: construction, aerodynamics, and the behavior of wind. Kite flying can be enjoyed alone, with friends or as a parent/child activity. Age and gender are irrelevant, and the low cost makes the sport accessible to all.

Kites vary considerably in design and construction, from very simple to very complex. There are some basic requirements, however, which you should look for in any model of kite:

  • Long line: Estimate twice what you think you’ll need.
  • Strong line: The forces build as the kite climbs. Don’t scrimp on the line.
  • Size: Small kites are easier to transport and launch. They’re also easier to make and less expensive to buy. If the kite breaks free or gets hung up, the loss is less painful.
  • Design: Simple designs are easier to repair.
  • Bright colors: A climbing kite gets small in a hurry – you want to be able to see it!
  • Reel: A larger reel pays out and rewinds the line faster and easier. Get a good reel: you’ll still have it even if the kite breaks free or gets hung up.

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