5 Winter Squash Recipes to Steal the Show on Thanksgiving

5 Winter Squash Recipes to Steal the Show on Thanksgiving

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Nothing says autumn like an arrangement of multi-colored squash, but those incredible colors can do more for your family than evoke nature’s harvest season. Not only does winter squash contain huge amounts of vitamins A and C to help boost your immune system and fight off seasonal viruses, these vegetable powerhouses also contain dietary fiber and anti-inflammatory omega-3’s. Try some of these delicious options at your table today.

Squash Puff

We may think souffles are adult fare, but youngsters love this slightly sweet and fluffy dish. The chopped nuts on top help too. A bonus is that it is easy to make and won’t collapse like other souffles.

Towards the end of the baking time, watch that it doesn’t scorch. If nuts are browning too fast place a piece of foil loosely on top.


  • 3c. mashed or pureed cooked orange winter squash or yams
  • 4 Tb honey or mild molasses
  • 3 Tb flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp grated nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp powdered ginger
  • 3 eggs, separated
  • 1/2 c. whole or chopped pecans or walnuts for topping

Mix first 6 ingredients together with the 3 yolks.
Beat the 3 egg whites until firm and fold into above mixture.
Gently spoon into a 1 1/2 Qt. oiled dish and sprinkle top with whole or chopped nuts. Bake 45-60 minutes at 350 degrees.

The proportions of this dish can vary and it will still come out fine. If you only have 2 eggs use 2 c. of squash.

Our favorite squash for this recipe is buttercup.


Squash-Pecan Pie

This recipe is glamorous for Thanksgiving dinner, and it appeals to most tastes. Pecan pies can be too sweet and pumpkin pies can be bland. With this recipe, you have a perfect middle ground, and it’s quick and easy to prepare!

Prep: 15 mins. Baking: 50 mins. Oven: 350 degrees.

Makes: 8 servings. Serve cold or at room temperature.


  • 3 eggs
  • 3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 2 c. cooked orange winter squash, mashed
  • 1 unbaked 9 inch pastry shell
  • 3/4 c. sugar
  • 1 c. chopped pecans
  • 1/2 c. dark-colored corn syrup
  • whipped cream, optional
  • 1 tsp. vanilla

1. In a medium bowl combine the eggs, squash, sugar, corn syrup, vanilla, and cinnamon. Pour into the pastry shell. Sprinkle with pecans.

2. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 50-55 min. or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack. Cover and refrigerate within 2 hours. If desired, serve the pie with whipping cream.


Baked Squash with Mushroom and Rice Stuffing

Skip the mashed potatoes and have this colorful dish as a side with the turkey. Alternatively, you could serve this festive vegetarian entree as the main course, with some greens on the side.

Prep: 30 min Bake: about 65 min. Oven: 350 degrees

Makes: 4 servings


  • 2 medium acorn squash
  • 2 green onions, finely chopped
  • 2 Tb. olive oil
  • 1 Tb. chopped fresh sage or thyme
  • 2 shallots, chopped
  • 1 c. cooked brown rice
  • 1 c. cooked wild rice
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 1/2 lb. brown mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/3 c. vegetable stock
  • 1/4 c. finely chopped red bell pepper
  • 1/4 c. grated carrots
  • salt and freshly cracked black pepper to tastes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut each squash lengthwise in half. Scoop out the seeds and discard. Trim a little from the uncut side so the squash will sit flat once stuffed. Place squash halves, cavity side down, on a non-stick, parchment or foiled lined baking sheet. Cover and bake for 35-45 minutes, or until firm/tender.

Meanwhile, prepare filling by heating the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the shallots, garlic, mushrooms, bell pepper and carrots and cook until the mushrooms are very tender, about 5-6 minutes. Place mixture in a bowl; mix in all remaining ingredients. Turn the squash halves, cavity side up, on the baking sheet.

Spoon and mound the mushroom mixture into the center of them. (Can be cooled to room temperature at this point, stored in the fridge and baked later)

Cover and bake 15-20 minutes, or until the squash is tender and the filling is heated through.

Squash Surprise

At a recent potluck, everyone loved this simple yummy squash dish. It was good with mildly sweet applesauce, but you could experiment with sugar and spices like cinnamon, ginger, or nutmeg. Children will like that the squash becomes a bowl.

This is a great recipe for using up your small squash. You can slice the top off the squash and save it. When the dish is ready to serve, set the lid back on top. This keeps the dish warm and adds the element of surprise when the lid is lifted!

  • 1. Cut winter squash in half, lengthwise and scoop out seeds and pulp.
  • 2. Place on baking sheet or in shallow dish
  • 3. Fill with applesauce.
  • 4. Bake for about 3/4 hour in a 350-375 degree oven until squash is soft
  • 5. Sprinkle with cinnamon before serving

Jan’s Hearty Winter Squash and Peanut Soup

Deliciously understated! Diners will expect little from this humble dish, but a surprise awaits with the first taste. The hint of peanut and ginger is a perfect complement to the squash.

This filling soup makes about 3 quarts, but it halves easily, and freezes well. The extra milk at the end can be added when it is thawed and heated, saving freezer space.


  • 1 Tb. oil
  • 3 c. cut up winter squash, raw or cooked
  • 2 stalks chopped celery
  • 1 large chopped onion
  • 4 1/2 c. water or chicken broth
  • 2 c. milk
  • 2 large potatoes
  • 1/3 c. smooth peanut butter
  • 2 Tb. fresh grated ginger or dried ginger powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp. black pepper

Cook together the oil, onion and celery. Cover and stir occasionally until onion is translucent. Add remaining ingredients, cover and simmer until veg’s are tender, about 1/2 hr. Puree in a blender in batches. Cool if freezing. Five min. before serving add extra milk or cream to heat. Taste for salt. Pretty topped with dollop of yogurt, sour cream and/or minced chives or parsley.

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