Introducing Eartheasy’s New Site: Sustainable Solutions Made Simpler

Introducing Eartheasy’s New Site: Sustainable Solutions Made Simpler

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A lot can happen in seventeen years. A child can almost reach adulthood, growing old enough to earn a high school diploma or a driver’s licence. A standard apple tree can grow from a scion to maturity, producing apples that are full-flavoured, crisp, and delicious. With luck and commitment, this tree could continue to provide its bounty for over 40 years.

A website that’s been around for 17 years could feel ancient, having seen its world change from a vast and empty internet populated by a handful of pages, to a buzzing medium exploding with online journals, corporate and private blogs, live streamed feeds, and fake news sites springing from somewhere in Macedonia.

For 17 years, Eartheasy has been sharing information and advice online about sustainable living solutions based on our real-life experiences living off grid. From our first guides about composting and raised bed gardening to our latest articles about fighting climate change, our site (along with our homestead) has changed and matured.

Eartheasy's previous blog landing page

Eartheasy’s previous blog landing page

Over the years we’ve tried to bring you the best stories, the most thoughtful products, and the latest advice to help you lighten your impact on the earth. Living as a homesteading family taught us the value of doing things slowly by hand, but our online business also taught us the value of using technology as a tool to learn from one another.

Our new mobile responsive blog

Our new mobile responsive blog

Our new website reflects our desire to continue offering the services you expect while improving your browsing experience. We want you to be able to access and share Eartheasy’s resources, whether you are on the go with your smartphone or doing research at home or school.

Our new website reflects our desire to continue offering the services you expect while improving your browsing experience.

In these pages you’ll find the same great products that help you streamline your lifestyle, make safer and more ethical purchasing decisions, and reduce the waste you leave behind. The products you choose every day have a big impact, so that’s why we carry high quality, long lasting merchandise that helps you reduce the need to consume while giving back along the way. Plus, we research every item we stock to ensure it meets stringent sustainability standards—so you don’t have to.

You’ll also find articles and guides that will help you improve your home’s energy efficiency, grow and preserve organic food, ensure safe drinking water, compost your food and yard waste, and a whole lot more. We’re emphasizing knowledge more than ever, because we understand that the more you know, the more you can do for yourself. After more than 38 years living off-grid, we see the connection between self-sufficiency and sustainability.



So What’s New?

Although you can expect the same great products and content when you visit us, our new site makes it easier to find what you need quickly. Here’s how:

  • Mobile responsiveness: Today, almost 50% of Eartheasy visitors use mobile browsers like smartphones and tablets to surf the web. Our new design will help make navigating from these devices easier.
  • New products: In the coming months we’ll be unrolling new offerings in our Lifestyle and Yard & Garden categories. We’ve already stocked new configurations for our popular cedar raised garden beds. Have a look!
  • Better category navigation: We expanded our categories to better encompass the large selection of products and information we offer. (Visit Off-grid & Preparedness, Lifestyle, Travel, Health & Wellness, and Baby & Kids to see what’s new.) We’ve also expanded our sub-categories so you can filter and sort products according to your needs, finding what you need quickly and easily.
  • Improved search capabilities: We’ve been publishing articles and guides online since 2000—that’s a lot of information! Use our new search function to quickly search our new and archived articles and guides for answers to your common (and not so common) questions.
  • Improved product pages: While we’ve always provided detailed information about the products we carry, our new product pages come with a more readable layout and improved product images to help you make informed choices every time you buy.
  • More opportunities to contribute: We value your comments, but we know that sharing knowledge and opinions takes time. That’s why we’ve made leaving your valued input easier. We hope you’ll post feedback and join the conversation.

And while we’re on the topic of sharing knowledge, we might as well come clean: we value your comments because they help us improve the information we’re offering and ensure that we represent different experiences and points of view. If you have ideas to share about sustainable living, we want to hear them. If you see any errors in our content, please let us know. Your stories, comments and suggestions are most welcome. Please contact

We live during a time when more information about sustainable living is available to more people than ever before. Having technology at our fingertips means we can share this knowledge easily and widely—and that’s good news.

We hope you’ll continue to visit Eartheasy as we expand and develop, with the goal of being a valued resource in your life.

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